Opioid Intervention Team Trailer
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(410) 251-5379 (Cell)
Wicomico County Opioid Intervention Team to Provide an Important Resource to the Community
(September 4, 2019, Salisbury, MD) The Wicomico County Opioid Intervention Team with funding
from the Opioid Operational Command Center has developed an important educational resource that
is currently being deployed throughout the community. The Opioid Intervention Team Educational
Trailer will serve as a conduit of information via educational supplies and resources, but will also
provide parents, guardians and caregivers with a live simulation tour of an adolescent’s bedroom.
Developed in partnership with the Wicomico County Narcotics Task Force, this educational trailer will
provide those who take the tour with important information about where their children, or
grandchildren may be hiding drugs or paraphernalia. The tours will also provide information about the
signs and symptoms that may indicate that the adolescent is using dangerous or illegal substances.
The trailer’s purpose aligns with the Wicomico Goes Purple Campaign which aims to raise awareness
around the dangers of substance misuse and abuse. Resources regarding prevention, treatment and
recovery can be found outside of the trailer at each and every deployment. Community members can
visit www.wicomicogoespurple.com for a list of dates and locations where the trailer will be and a
booking toll where the trailer can be reserved for other community events.
If you or someone you love is struggling with a substance use disorder, you can find help at
BeforeItsTooLateMD.org or by calling 211 and pressing 1. You can also contact our Community
Outreach Addictions Team (COAT) at 443-783-6875.