Harm Reduction Center




Meet people where they are. Support, not stigma, We can prevent deaths by overdose.

The Wicomico County Health Department is excited to have the first of its kind Harm Reduction Center on the Eastern Shore, the S.H.O.R.E Center (Supporting Harm Reduction, Outreach, Resources, and Education).  This center will provide all manner of harm reduction services to those individuals in need.


SHORE Center services provided but not limited to:

  • Narcan education and distribution,
  • Overdose education
  • HIV/HCV education, testing and referrals
  • Linkage to needed/requested resources (behavioral health treatment, food, housing, wound care, reproductive health, medical linkage, insurance, transportation, rapid BUP induction, etc.)
  • Outreach services
  • Resource information
  • Education on safer injection/safer sex practices, risks of substance use and infectious disease
  • Condom and safer sex supply equipment distribution
  • Distribution of sterile injection equipment and collection and safe disposal of used syringes
  • Community education and clean up service days available



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