Coordination of Community Services Developmental Disabilities Program

Smiling children, hugging,

Coordination of Community Services

Coordination of Community Services provides information/referral and case management services for children and adults with developmental disabilities and their families.

This program:

  • Assists families in locating and arranging diagnostic evaluations, treatment, day programs, residential support and individuals/family support services.
  • Provides, for individuals in service, assistance in implementing individual choice addressing individual satisfaction and assuring that the individual’s needs and preferences are addressed through the Individual Plan process.
  • Assists the individual in identifying, locating and brokering services, which may include generic programs, natural supports, other state programs including Medicaid State Plan Services and services funded by Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA).

Services are provided through a combination of State Residential Centers (SRCs), Forensic Residential Facilities, and a wide array of community-based services delivered primarily through a network of non-profit providers licensed by the program.

Our program’s community-based service delivery systems includes various home and community-based services and supports provided through either a Medicaid State Plan or Waiver program or via State-funded services.

boy working as cross guard

Our Goals:

People with developmental disabilities…

  • direct their lives;
  • have viable support options; and
  • have information to make decisions in the following essential focus areas for community living:
    • Self-determination
    • Self-advocacy
    • Supporting families
    • Employment
    • Housing

The Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA) Service Delivery System:

The DDA’S headquarters office is located in Baltimore Maryland at the State Office Complex. Our Service Delivery System is organized into regions. To find out which regional office serves your county, go to

Community Service

How to Apply for Services 

To determine whether a person is eligible for services, the person or someone acting on their behalf must complete an application for DDA services.

The DDA Application for Services can be downloaded from DDA’s website, mailed to you, or you can pick one up from any of DDA’s four (4) regional offices located in Central, Eastern, Southern, and Western Maryland.

Once DDA has received your application and supporting documentation, DDA, or a representative, will contact you to schedule an interview. After completing the application process, you will receive a letter stating your eligibility status. If eligible, the letter will also include information on which priority category you have been found eligible for. Letters also contain information to assist the person in filing an appeal if they feel that they have not been placed in the proper eligibility priority category.

Eligibility for services does not mean that the DDA is able to provide funding to address your needs. It means that when designated funding for your priority category is available and you have the greatest need, your coordinator of community services will be informed and help you explore services and provider options. People allocated funding must apply for the DDA Community Pathways waiver.

Application Steps

1.  Call our office at 410-543-6790 for general information, on how to obtain an application or apply for services.

* Residential, day and supported employment services require a completed Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA) application plus documentation of disability. The DDA application can be requested through our office or obtained online.

2.  When completing the application, present a realistic picture of the applicant’s challenges and skills. Be certain that you communicate the reasons the applicant needs services.

3.  If you have any questions while completing the application, please feel free to call The Eastern Shore Regional Office at 410-572-5920.

4.  Mail or drop your application to: The Eastern Shore Regional Office, ATTENTION: Eligibility and Access Unit, 926 Snow Hill Road, Salisbury, MD 21804

5.  After documentation has been obtained the Eastern Shore Regional Office can assign the applicant to our  Wicomico Resource Coordination office.  A Resource Coordinator  will contact you and set up a Comprehensive Assessment meeting.

6.  During your meeting, emphasize again the applicant’s needs and challenges. Present copies of any new relevant paperwork, and discuss any new information that may affect the application.

7.  The DDA representative will make a recommendation about the application. The representative will recommend (a) whether or not the applicant is eligible for services, (b) which services the applicant is eligible for, and the priority recommended for funding for each service, provided funds are available.

8.  DDA reviews the recommendations and application. A decision is made regarding the eligibility for services. A letter is sent to the applicant and copied to the Resource Coordinator.

9.  If the decision regarding your application or eligibility is not what you wanted or expected, you may file an appeal. The DD representative can help you with this process.

Housing Resources


Fairlee Manor Camp House

The Fairlee Manor Camp House is a historic home located near FairleeKent CountyMarylandUnited States. It is a “telescoping house” composed of a two-story, three-bay-long brick structure with a 1 12 -story brick wing and a 12-story, 3-bay -long plank wing on each side in decreasing height and width. The oldest sections of the house date to 1825–1840. In 1953 the house was deeded to the Easter Seal Society for Crippled Children and Adults of Delaware, Inc.[2]

The Fairlee Manor Camp House was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1973.

Directions to Camp Fairlee

Click on each image to learn more:

Horses Help - 4Steps Therapeutic Riding Program logo

Horses Help – 4Steps Therapeutic Riding Program

Easter Seals - Camp Fairlee logo

Easter Seals – Camp Fairlee

Camp Pinehurst logo

Camp Pinehurst










1.  What is Respite Care?
     Respite Care is short-term relief care for disabled babies, children or adults in a family setting

2.  Who is eligible for Respite Care?
     Parents of disabled children, also disabled adults or any family caring for a developmentally
     disabled baby, child or adult living in one of the nine counties of the Eastern Shore are eligible
     for services.

3.  What service will Respite Care provide?
     a.  Financial reimbursement for respite care services up to approximately 100 hours per fiscal
     b.  Follow-up to ensure the continued use of the program by parents.
     c.  Counseling and guidance to the developmentally disabled and their parents.
     d.  Assistance to the parent in finding an appropriate care worker.

It's your choice

Who? What? Where? When? How?

Who: Self-direction gives waiver participants and families greater control over the services they receive, how they receive them, and who provides them.  At the same time, people who self-direct must be willing to take on the responsibility of managing their services.

What: A person in Self Directed Services can get a whole array of services, including support services, supported employment and others.

Where: Self Directed Services is for people living in their own homes or with their families. It will be available to people in all parts of the State.

When: Self Directed Services began on July 1, 2005

 How: Everyone in Self Directed Services will have an Individual Budget. With assistance from a Fiscal Management Service (FMS) and a person called a Support Broker, the individual will manage their budget, hire and supervise their own staff and make decisions about how their services are provided. The FMS will pay bills, take care of tax paperwork, and provide monthly budget statements. The Support Broker will be someone the person trusts to help them navigate the system, help them with staff and act as an advocate.  For services you choose to self-direct, you have additional responsibility including:

  • You will be in control of your budget which is a fixed dollar amount for the purchase of services and support under the waiver.
  • You select and arrange for the services an supports in your individual plan.
  • You are accountable for using your budget to more effectively meet your needs and more efficiently use public dollars.
  • You are the employer of record.
  • You can hire, train, and fire employees.

Contact Denise Sutton at (410) 767-5636 for more information.

The Governor's Transition Youth Initiative, three boys smiling

The Governor’s Transitioning Youth Initiative

The Governor’s Transitioning Youth Initiative (GTYI) was designed in 1989 to demonstrate that people with the most severe   disabilities can work and contribute to Maryland’s future after leaving school. Through the Initiative, the DDA has been able to fund supported employment and other day services for eligible students exiting school, many of whom are successfully employed in their communities today. Under the GTYI, a student qualifies for services if he/she is eligible as a person with a “Developmental Disability”

In addition to this requirement, in order to be eligible to receive GTYI funding, the individual is eligible from their 21st birthday to their 22nd birthday. If the date of graduation (exit) is after the individuals 21st birthday, the individual shall continue to be eligible for 1 year after the date of “graduation” (exit).  For more information log onto:

Wicomico County Transitioning Youth Timeline For Services

Age 14

An application for Developmental Disability services can be obtained at The Eastern Shore Regional Office or call 410-572-5920.

Age 18

Apply for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Medicaid Health Insurance (MA) by calling 1-800-772-1213.

Prior to Final School Year

Update DDA application to request Day or Supported Employment services, by contacting your Coordinator.

Include Wicomico County Health Department Coordinator of Community Services with approved Release of Information for attending the IEP.

The Governor's Transition Youth Initiative, smiling girl holding phoneFall and Winter of Final School Year

Work closely with your WiCHD Coordinator at the Wicomico County Health Department Coordination of Community Services at 410-543-6790.

The individual, family,  coordinator and other significant people in the individual’s life will develop a Person Centered Plan (PCP). The PCP is a detailed description of the individual which includes his/her likes, dislikes, strengths, weakness, desires, issues, medical concerns, dreams and goals, barriers to obtaining those goals and proposed service solutions.

Spring of Graduation

Student and family should visit and interview DDA provider agencies and select one for services. Starting July 1st the Resource Coordinator will request a service funding plan and once written this plan describes the services requested and their anticipated cost.

  1. Bay Shore Services. Phone: (410) 341-0307. Address: 1409 C Wesley Dr. Salisbury, MD 21801 
  2. Dove Pointe. Phone: (410) 341-4472. Address: 1225 Mt. Hermon Road Salisbury, MD 21801
  3. United Needs and Abilities. Phone: (410) 543-0665. Address: 688 E. Main St Salisbury, MD 21801
  4. Lower Shore Enterprise. Phone: (410) 749-6183. Address: 28475 Owens Branch Road Salisbury, MD 21801
  5. Somerset Community Services. Phone: (410) 623-2261. Address: 5574 Tull’s Corner Rd. Marion Station, MD 21838

The Governor's Transition Youth Initiative. Smiling boy hold up his medalLate May or June of Final School Year

Once the service funding plan is approved, the student/family will receive a call from the Resource Coordinator or Provider Agency informing them of the start date for services.

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